The Best Gift...
The best gift one could ever give someone is part of their time. These days everybody is busy in some way or the other,people have their own priorities and preferences so they are busy in that.There are some people who are important in your life they are the ones you like the a lot , they may be reasons to give respect to them. They may those people you meet and greet everyday or maybe someone who lives in the other side world, or maybe someone who you met once or twice in your life.
            These may people may be very good looking or have impressive personalities or make you feel happy and special but most importantly these people give you their time and genuine interest to you. They show their affection and care towards you,besides being busy and having time short they still give a part of it to you.
          Its very grateful and generous of them, as it means a lot for someone who might be having a bad day and needed someone to share. May be someone who is delighted and would want to share the happiness to make it memorable.A little love or care could bring big change in someone's. A small amount time given to someone in need could cover for hundred years to come.
   We have to be generous enough to spend some time with people we love. The moments spend with them our truly precious and the feeling we get from that is priceless.


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